FidoCure® Veterinary Team Blog

Read the latest in veterinary oncology research and FidoCure® scientific and clinical updates from our team of experts and advisors

Canine Cancer Osteosarcoma Research

In our relentless pursuit of advancements in veterinary oncology, the FidoCure Team's research has taken center stage, offering an in-depth exploration into the realm of canine osteosarcoma. The use of real-world data and machine learning techniques promises to provide invaluable insights into the mutation patterns and treatment outcomes associated with this challenging condition.

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Veterinary Technician Week: Giveaway

Thank you to all the veterinary technicians who have helped us enroll over 4500 dogs on the FidoCure platform. We are so thankful for your partnership in fighting cancer on both ends of the leash! 

Enter below for your chance to win:

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Case Study: Malignant Oral Melanoma

History and Treatment Planning

Maggie, a friendly and rambunctious 12 year old, spayed female pug, was diagnosed with malignant oral melanoma in March 2022 by her primary care veterinarian. The mass was located on her upper left dental arcade. Her veterinarian surgically debulked approximately 80% of the mass. Unfortunately, Maggie experienced rapid local recurrence within a month of the surgery, involving the maxilla, and the adjacent mandibular lymph node.

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Undifferentiated Oral Malignancy Case Study

History and Treatment Planning

A 12 year old, neutered male Golden Retriever, underwent a dental prophylaxis procedure performed by his primary care veterinarian in June of 2021. At that time, no suspicious lesions or growths were noted. In October 2021, his family discovered a marble-sized growth in his mouth along the gum line of his left maxilla. The mass was visible from the outside of his mouth, and seemed to cause him irritation. At the time, it was bloody (perhaps from self trauma/stick chewing). Antibiotics were prescribed, but the dog quickly developed worsening clinic signs (nasal discharge, swelling, lethargy). 

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Fireside Chat with Dr. Len Lichtenfeld - Former Deputy Chief Medical Officer of American Cancer Society

Exclusive fireside chat with a distinguished trio of cancer experts: Dr. Len Lichtenfeld former Deputy Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society (and FidoCure Scientific Advisory Board Member) with Dr. Gerry Post, Chief Medical Officer, FidoCure and Christina Lopes, CEO, FidoCure.
Hear first-hand about their 8-year journey together in the fight against cancer on both ends of the leash.
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5 Ways FidoCure Can Expand Your Veterinary Practice

Canine cancer is a heartbreaking diagnosis that affects millions of beloved pets worldwide. In fact, it’s one of the biggest unmet needs in veterinary medicine. As advancements in our field continue to evolve, FidoCure emerges as a groundbreaking solution, offering a revolutionary approach to treating canine cancer. By harnessing the power of genomic testing, FidoCure provides targeted therapies that are transforming the landscape of canine cancer care.

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